This book is dedicated to those who have fallen in combat and to those who remain forever on patrol.
It is you who are the missing persons in our formation, for whom we pour out a little of our drink onto the ground.

In particular, we dedicate this book to Ron’s shipmates, who were lost while on deployment, and to three of Steve’s best friends, who were lost in the line of duty:

Lt. Robert “McFly” Forwalder, USN, 26 March 1993, Ionian Sea;

Lt. Donald “Stump” Cioffi, USN, 15 March 1996, Atlantic Ocean;

Lt. Col. Brett “Boo” Bekken, USMC, 21 April 2004, California desert.

We have the watch. A nickel on the grass...

Lt. Robert “McFly” Forwalder (USN)

Lt. Donald “Stump” Cioffi (USN)

Lt. Col. Brett “Boo” Bekken (USMC)