Diagram of "Split S" maneuver as described in "Mercenary."  

A fully combat-loaded F-16 from the 134th Fighter Squadron (The Green Mountain Boys) over Iraq (2006). A typical combat load consisted of two AIM-120 air-to-air missiles, one GBU-12 LASER- guided bomb, one GBU-38 GPS-guided bomb, two external fuel tanks, a full load of 20mm rounds, and one LITENING II targeting pod. This aircraft, #83-1165, set the record for combat and training flight-time at just over 7,200 hours.

Steve was the last pilot to fly this aircraft before its retirement in 2008. It is on permanent display at the entrance to the Vermont Air National Guard Base and is seen here in the background of Steve’s annual Logistics Readiness Squadron photo while he was in command of the squadron. Photos courtesy of the Vermont Air National Guard.